刘洋 博士 助理研究员
地址:江苏大学 微纳光电子与太赫兹技术研究院503室
河南郑州人,2022年6月于北京理工大学获得工学博士学位,2023年2月入职江苏大学微纳光电子与太赫兹技术研究院。主要从事整形飞秒激光加工微光学器件方面的研究工作,目前在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Nanophotonics,Optics Letters, Optics Express等学术期刊上发表论文多篇,授权发明专利5项。
[1] Yang Liu, Xiaowei Li, Ji Huang, Zhipeng Wang, Xiaoming Zhao, Bingquan Zhao, Lan Jiang. High Uniformity Submicron Grating with Tunable Period Fabricated through Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Molding Technology for Deformation Detection [J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14(14): 16911–16919. (SCI, IF: 10.383)
[2] Yang Liu, Xiaowei Li, Zhipeng Wang, Bin Qin, Shipeng Zhou, Ji Huang, Zhulin Yao. Morphology adjustable microlens array fabricated by single spatially modulated femtosecond pulse [J]. Nanophotonics, 2022, 11(3): 571-581. (SCI, IF: 7.923)
[3] Ji Huang, Yang Liu, Sunjun Jin, Zhipeng Wang, Yaping Qi, Jian Zhang, Kun Wang, Rui Qiu. Uniformity Control of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures[J]. Front. Phys., 2022: 552. (SCI, IF: 3.718)
[4] Zhipeng Wang, Lan Jiang, Xiaowei Li, Shuai Gao, Shipeng Zhou, Yang Liu, Ji Huang, Jiangang Lu, Jiangang Yin. High efficiency and scalable fabrication of fresnel zone plates using holographic femtosecond pulses[J]. Nanophotonics, 2022, 11(13): 3081-3091. (SCI, IF: 7.923)
[5] Bin Qin, Xiaowei Li, Zhulin Yao, Ji Huang, Yang Liu, Andong Wang, Shuai Gao, Shipeng Zhou, Zhipeng Wang. Fabrication of microlenses with continuously variable numerical aperture through a temporally shaped femtosecond laser[J]. Opt. Express, 2021, 29(3): 4596-4606. (SCI, IF: 3.833)
[6] Shipeng Zhou, Xiaowei Li, Ji Huang, Zhipeng Wang, Yang Liu, Shuai Gao, Lan Jiang. Fabrication of nanogap structures through spatially shaped femtosecond laser modification with the assistance of wet chemical etching [J]. Opt. Lett., 2021, 46(15): 3560-3563. (SCI, IF: 3.560)
[1] 姜澜,刘洋,李晓炜. 一种基于飞秒激光制备的表面具有超滑性质的复眼结构,ZL 202011072106.4
[2] 姜澜,刘洋,李晓炜. 一种加工具有多个数值孔径的微透镜阵列的方法,ZL 202110582346.7
[3] 姜澜,刘洋,李晓炜. 飞秒激光在透明硬脆材料上加工微纳米尺度通孔的方法,ZL 202011072075.2
[4] 姜澜,秦斌,李晓炜,刘洋. 空域整形激光辅助刻蚀加工数值孔径可变微透镜的方法,ZL 202010567760.6
[5] 姜澜,李晓炜,马小丹,王智,刘洋. 基于飞秒激光制备超亲水-超疏水复合SERS基底的方法,ZL 201910321304.0