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Full-time Researchers
Huang Lijing
发布日期:2022-12-05  浏览次数:


Huang Lijing Associate Researcher/Master Tutor
    Add:Room 503, Institute of Micro-nano Optoelectronic and Terahertz Technology, Jiangsu University

    Ph.D. (2012.09-2015.06) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University
    M.E. (2007.09-2009.12) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University
    B.E. (2002.09-2004.06) Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Anhui

Professional experience
2017.12~Now, Research assistant, Institute of Micro-nano Optoelectronic and Terahertz Technology, Jiangsu University
2015.10~2017.12, Post-doctoral, School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University

Research Interests
1. Ultra-fast laser micro-nano processing technology
2. Surface laser modification of photoelectric functional materials
3. Design and preparation of micro-nano functional materials

Selected Papers
[1] Li-jing Huang; Gao-ming Zhang; Huang Li; Bao-jia Li*; Yong-ying Wang; Nai-fei Ren; Selective laser ablation and patterning on Ag thin films with width and depth control, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(6): 4943–4955.
[2] Li-jing Huang; Bao-jia Li*; Nai-fei Ren; Enhancing optical and electrical properties of Al-doped ZnO coated polyethylene terephthalate substrates by laser annealing using overlap rate controlling strategy, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(6): 7246–7252.
[3] Li-jing Huang; Nai-fei Ren*; Bao-jia Li*; Ming Zhou; Ni/FTO bilayer thin films with high photoelectric properties optimized by magnetic-field-assisted laser annealing, Materials Letters, 2015, 140: 75–78.
[4] Li-Jing Huang; Nai-Fei Ren*; Bao-Jia Li; Ming Zhou; Effect of annealing on the morphology, structure and photoelectric properties of AZO/Pt/FTO trilayer films, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2015, 28(3): 281–288.
[5] Li-jing Huang; Nai-fei Ren*; Bao-jia Li; Ming Zhou; A comparative study of different M(M=Al, Ag, Cu)/FTO bilayer composite films irradiated with nanosecond pulsed laser, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 617: 915–920.


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