On May 6, 2021, at the invitation of Professor Yunxia Ye, Executive Dean of the Institute, Professor Lin Li, academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, delivered an online academic report entitled "Laser materials processing for a cleaner future" in the Graduate Building 204. The report meeting was presided over by Zhongqiang Zhang, deputy dean, and more than 100 teachers and students from the college attended the report meeting.
The report uses typical laser advanced manufacturing methods, such as cutting, welding, drilling, surface engineering, micro/nano manufacturing, and additive manufacturing. From the perspectives of basic process characteristics, limitations and current challenges, advanced laser manufacturing technology is introduced. Examples illustrate the application prospects of laser material processing in reducing harmful emissions, energy saving, clean energy production and storage. Through this report, we can stimulate scholars to research and innovate laser material processing technology from the perspective of creating a cleaner world.
Professor Lin Li is a distinguished professor of our university. Due to the epidemic, there is no navigation between China and Britain. Professor Lin Li can only communicate with our teachers and students through video at home. In European and American countries, Professor Lin Li is one of the only four academicians in the field of laser manufacturing and the only Chinese academician in the field of laser macro manufacturing science. Since 1985, he has been engaged in laser based advanced manufacturing engineering and micro nano optics research, and invented a number of advanced manufacturing technologies, including non striped laser cutting technology, ultra narrow gap laser welding technology, multi-functional gradient material laser additive manufacturing technology, multi-material laser 3D printing technology, laser cleaning technology, etc. A number of original technologies have been practically applied worldwide by industries (aerospace, automobiles, energy, medical, and safety), resulting in significant economic benefits. Professor Lin Li and his team invented the super-resolution white light microsphere lens nanomicroscope in 2011, achieving a white light resolution of 50 nanometers, breaking the theoretical resolution limit of optical microscopes (200 nanometers). This work was published in the journal Nature Communications and was reported by media around the world, including the BBC and the New York Times. Subsequently, the technology was applied to directly observe non-fluorescent labeled biological viruses, realizing real-time observation of biological viruses without interference, and the research results have been successfully commercialized.