Recently, professor Ren and his team published a paper named “Strengthening mechanisms and tensile properties of 20Cr2Mn2Mo processed by laser shock peening and vacuum carbonitriding” on famous journal of Surface & Coatings Technology (Q1, IF=4.865, DOI of paper: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128462). Hanyu Wan is the first author of the paper and Yunpeng Ren is the corresponding author.
In this paper, the mechanical properties of alloy steel 20Cr2Mn2Mo processed by laser shock peening and vacuum carbonitriding were studied. The corresponding strengthening mechanisms were also investigated. It is found that the Orowan strengthening and dislocation strengthening were the main the reasons to strengthen material. The strengthening from grain refinement is minor.
The work was supported by the ****** and the National Nature Science Foundation of China.
Paper link:。

Cross section microstructure of samples processed by laser shock peening and laser shock peening plus vacuum carbonitriding

Tensile properties of samples S1-S4: (a) engineering stress-strain curves, (b) ultimate tensile strength, elongation, and yield strength of samples. The yield stress is defined as σ0.2.