Invited by Dean Yunxia Ye of Micro/Nano-optoelectronics and Terahertz Research, Professor Zengbo Wang of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Bangor University (UK) (visiting professor at Northeastern University, USA) and Professor Lvliu of the Department of Optoelectronics, Jiangsu University, conducted a web-based lecture on the mechanism of nanophotonics and its applications in scientific researches. All faculty members and graduate students of the Institute participated in the conference collectively.
Prof. Wang Zengbo ingeniously used the interaction between light and mesoscale media micro-nano spheres to realize superlenses with unique optical properties, and reported a series of super-resolution imaging, detection, and fabrication studies, and the related results received international peer recognition. Prof. Lv Liu systematically introduced how photonic devices achieve manipulation of light at the nanoscale, and deeply elaborated the principle of optical surface plasmon, and introduced the new micro and nano lasers, surface plasmon devices and functions under research. This international network research conference attracted the enthusiastic participation of all the faculty members of the Institute, with lively academic questions and profound discussions on the frontier properties of light and matter interaction among the participants.